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More About The Authors

Mike Guckian, co-creator of Follow the Creatures


I left school in 1986. After a few months of unemployment, I managed to secure my first job in 1987 as a Searcher of Records at Register House in Edinburgh. Three years later, in 1990, I started an advertising business and worked as a part time DJ. I became involved in a Sound Engineering Course in Edinburgh in 1992, specialising in sampling and mixing the music of local bands.

Roll on 1993, and I took a notion to drive big vehicles and gained my PCV bus driving licence. I became a part-time school bus and private hire driver.

In 1995, I studied at Edinburgh University spending 4 years completing an MA Hons in Religion and Social Policy. In 1999, I embarked on a PGCE in Secondary Education at Moray House, Edinburgh University and became a Secondary School Teacher in 2000 to present day.

From 2001 to present day, I have ran various businesses including a Bed and Breakfast, Property Renovations, Painting and Decorating and I am also a qualified Locksmith.

From 2003 to 2013, I lived in Spain periodically working on projects there.

My interests include writing screenplays (short films), which is currently a hobby, and music. I enjoy travelling to see my favourite band and turn it into a holiday break. I’m planning to write a feature film in the near future. Currently my priority is promoting ‘Follow the Creatures’.

In 2015, my Mum was diagnosed with Vascular Dementia. I was determined to give my Mum the best quality of life possible by looking after her at home in familiar surroundings, with the help of a package of care from the local authority. This was a really challenging time in my life, but worth every minute. Being an only child, and my Dad having passed away 20 years earlier, the responsibility lay solely with me. This was a huge learning curve to adapt to a difficult and upsetting situation. Eventually in March 2019 after a stay in hospital, my Mum’s needs became too great for myself to cope at home along with the package of care. The hospital recommended that my Mum, who they had monitored and assessed, would need specialised care 24/7. So my Mum was moved to a care home in March 2019. She passed away in December 2019. Throughout the 4 years right up till the moment she passed away, with myself present, my Mum always knew who I was, which for me was such a blessing!

I realised very quickly that I had to pick myself up and push on in life.

So here I am in 2023, teaching and working on promoting our storybook ‘The Scary Noise’.

What happens next? Time will tell!


I adore animals and love portraying them in our stories. I’ve had many animal companions over the years: dogs, cats, budgies, hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, tortoises and frogs. I’ve never had a bat, an octopus, a lobster or a robin as an animal companion, but if I did, I’m sure they would be just like Pedro, Bubbles, Claws and Robbie.

As a child, I was a member of a local children’s theatre, performing in pantomimes and other shows. I had a line in Dick Whittington once, but unfortunately, I got it wrong when I called “Here comes Jack!” As an adolescent, I graduated into the youth theatre, where we performed cabaret and various productions. I also participated in dancing shows and competitions, and certainly enjoyed entertaining and seeing people smile. Things didn’t always go to plan, and on one occasion my skirt fell off on stage, and I could hear people in the wings laughing. But the show must go on!

My career was mainly in the National Health Service, serving as a qualified general nurse. I worked in accident and emergency for many years from London to Edinburgh. I enjoyed helping people and helping them feel better. I then worked as a Nurse Practitioner and Nurse Consultant. Latterly I was a manager of NHS services, and firmly believed that if you had happy staff, you had a good service and good patient care.

During my nursing career I completed a counselling course and have used the skills in my personal and professional life. I also trained as a Life Coach - what stops people moving forward is fear; fear of rejection, fear of failure.

I completed a BSc with Hons in Health Studies, a course in Accident and Emergency nursing and a Post Graduate Certificate in Professional Education. I was a course leader of two academic modules in one of my management roles.

I have two sons who have grown into fine young men, and I am very proud of them. You will have heard this before, but enjoy your children while they are young, they don’t stay small for long.

Linda Stark, co-creator of Follow the Creatures
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